It is okay to splurge a little. I enjoy getting a little creative on my journey to live life the best way possible.  

*Just like a little bit of cinnamon makes my yogurt fancy.*  I enjoy drinking almond milk out of a wine glass!

It takes a little thing called Spice, Jumping out of our Comfort Zone, Being Fierce. 

In order to do anything in life, we need to take a step further–move from our present destination.


In order to make a change, we need to realize where we are and where we want to be. 

Who am I and where do I want to be?

Who am I and where do I want to be?


jenniferreddress5YOU CAN BE HERE. 

Being fierce and taking charge allows us to become engaged with ourselves.  Marry your self. You can always cheat and find a soul mate later on. 

Imagine Greater. Create the life you want and visualize how to get there. There is only one you. 

What are you really passionate about and how do you get there? 

Now I used to hate this question because I never knew how to answer it. I am passionate about many things – Food, music, family, the origin of words, the human body, and love… Some are tangible – some are intangible. How do I make my world My Own? In other words, how do I bullet point what it is that I want to stand for? 

This is not a competition. This is a plan. This is a promise you make to yourself and control the gear.

This is Your Life.

You can customize, reinvent, and prosper.  Opt for balance but know that All Systems are Go. You just need to give it the OK.  

Who is stopping you? Your credit card?  Your spouse?  Or is it that inner gremlin voice that tells you – you are not worth it. “This is ridiculous.” “I can’t do this now.”

Take that negative energy and throw it in the trash. You deserve to live the best life you can. There is no limit. You are in the drivers seat. You do not co-pilot your own life. You are Fierce. 

All of those things you wish you did-You can do Now.


There are no limits to being Fierce. Ignite your Fire and Follow your Heart. Be a fan of Yourself


Salty. It’s a Bargain you do not want to pay.

“I make the perfect lunch for my kids and hubby!”

I used to think I made the perfect lunch for my fiancé. I was wrong.

Have you checked the sodium content?

Wake up puffy eyed, bloated, and Confused as to WHY?

Have you given your “food” enough shelf life that now it’s on it’s “own” shelf?

Have you given up On Healthy because it is cheaper for you to pick up pre-packaged turkey in …a container. 
Are you “constiplated?” This is s term I coined meaning combining a chaotic mix and constipated as a result.  Most importantly, ya need to know what you Should put on Your Plate.

Ok, so you are in a sugary jam. However, you need not go nuts. This is about sodium–We need it but all at different milligrams and different sources. To each there own! If you are determined, do you not go to the source of the problem? The CORE of the apple, so as to stay away from the Dr.?  Coconut Oil Is a Solution For Sodium Slackers and Sodium Hackers. Ease it with a teaspoon or Try oil pulling. ~ http://www.Jennifermmcnulty.comCoconutOil

We are all different; therefore every plate is different. Not one person shares the same fingerprints as you-So Find your Finger and Figure out what it is You are Financially, Fantastically able to Afford!



Perhaps you need to understand how to read the Nutrition Facts. Maybe-you just need to look at One Ingredient.  Sodium.

When you consume meats that have a shelf life for the next 1-2 years, the meat is not only filled with sodium and preservatives…This “food” is not preserved. It is a Production of What We Do Not want in our bellies. It is Pre-serving for People Everywhere. And we are different. One thing in common-Nobody, NO BODY will feel optimal with words you cannot pronounce under ingredients. It is a no-brainer. Fresh, affordable meats make your Mind feel miraculous-A dessert in which you your family, and you gut flora deserve.

I grew up thinking the quicker the better. I have now learned the Quicker is Even Better once you Know how to Cut out the Crap.

You want a nice and healthy glow? Anything that can be called fresh, can live forever…
I encourage you to try a health food store and look at what is on sale. You would be AMAZED at what you have been MISSING.

Am I Living a Processed Life?

jenniferreddress5A forty-year-old woman named Judy walks into her work two minutes after 8 am.  That is two minutes late.  Her co-workers stare at her as she tiptoes to her desk.  She puts her coat on her chair as she presses the “On” button to get her computer started. ” Ready for another day,” she thinks as she puts her coffee to the left and slides her egg-mcmuffin lunch in the office fridge.

She thinks to herself, “Another day, another dollar.”  After all, this gives her a paycheck in order to feed the kids, live in her downtown apartment and afford the occasional “must haves” once people see her wear the same clothes each week.  As a data processor, she processes everyone else’s data.  What about her own?

According to Merriam-Webster, “data processing is the process of putting information into a computer so that the computer can organize it and change its form.”  The data processor “converts raw data to machine-readable form and its subsequent processing (as storing, updating, rearranging, or printing out) by a computer.

After hours, which seem like years, Judy is starving after no breakfast and coffee all morning, and takes her lunch at 1:00.  It’s Tuesday!  She leaves the egg mcmuffin, (it should be good by tomorrow) and went across the street to the corner cafe for her favorite Tuesday special.  As she crosses the street she thinks, “every Tuesday I order the same Tuesday special-The meatball parm.”  She always feels sluggish around 3 pm. and realized she in fact LIVES A PROCESSED LIFE.

See, the body is a very complex machine, consisting of many individual, interconnected and separate parts.  Each machine, whether is be the heart, kidney or the lung function at its own individual speed, yet all “know” how to function in a specific relationship to one other.  Our body processes the food we put in it, so why make this process more difficult?

If the body gives you the gift of processing what you put inside of it, why would you feed your temple processed junk?  Not only does the body store, update, rearrange, and print out (we all excrete!) just as Judy does at her job, but it stores all of the hazardous chemicals in our internal gut, intestines, and eventually we end up paying the bills at the Doctors office because of our decision to choose processed over purity.   We may not be able to update our bodies like the newest processing system, but we can sure as hell proceed to feed properly.

Rid yourself of a processed life, processed and pasteurized foods, and soon you will rid your bloat, headaches, stress and all the other “junk.”  Get rid of the SPAM folder.  Disable the cookies.  I may not be tech-savvy, but your body certainly is.